
November 9, 2018

Tips & Resources for Finding Meat Industry Jobs

Would you like a career in the meat industry? If you’re not sure where to start, here are some tips and resources to get you going. Working on cattle properties can be very rewarding and if you like a rural lifestyle this could ...
October 12, 2018

2019 Australian Intercollegiate Meat Judging Competition Team Announced

The Australian national meat judging team was announced last week, and five of the best students are all set to represent Australian on a USA tour in January 2019. The national representatives for this year will be Jess Davis (Un...
September 30, 2016

Our Quality Livestock Guarantee + the 5 Freedoms of Animal Welfare

At Teys Australia, we guarantee our great quality livestock through our commitment to ‘best-practice’ standards for all of our business operations. In particular, we ensure this quality through our commitment to exceptional an...
September 28, 2016

Our Premium Black Angus Won Silver at the World Steak Challenge!

We're stoked to announce that our Premium Black Angus was awarded a silver medal at the 2016 World Steak Challenge! We're so proud of our team, and we'd like to give special thanks to our UK based importing partner Keevil and Kee...
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