Food Information News

June 8, 2017

Tips for Buying, Storing and Cooking Beef Mince

Choosing Your Mince The Cut For most recipes, ground chuck is a great choice. Chuck has robust flavour and just the right amount of fat - enough to make the beef juicy, but not so much that you are left with very little meat when...
June 7, 2017

How to Make Fantastic Hamburger Patties

There’s nothing like juicy and flavoursome homemade burger patties. Once you’ve mastered the basics below, you’ll be able to create homemade, customised burgers to your heart’s (or is that your stomach’s?) content. Choos...
June 2, 2017

7 Essential Grill Tools You Need for Your BBQ

Love a weekend barbeque with friends and family? Find out 7 grill tools you need to ensure delicious food, optimal safety and a healthy BBQ for years to come. You're not a true BBQ-lover unless you have these 7 essential grill too...
June 1, 2017

Braised Oxtail with Tomato, Garlic and Thyme

Preparation & Cooking: 2.5 hours | Serves: 4-6 Ingredients 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1.3 kg oxtail, severed at each joint into 8 cm (ish) pieces 1 carrot, peeled, finely diced 2 stalks celery, finely diced ½ b...
May 31, 2017

Shepherd’s Pie Recipe

Preparation: 25 minutes | Cooking: 2 Hours | Serves: 4 Shepherd’s pie is a winter classic - the rich and hearty flavours are perfect for adding a comforting and warming touch to any winter’s night. Ingredients 3 brown onion...
May 26, 2017

The Great Debate – Gas VS Charcoal BBQs

It’s a question that has plagued beef-lovers for decades… Should you choose a gas or charcoal BBQ? There’s no set answer, as the BBQ that’s best for you depends entirely on your priorities - it’s all a matter of taste V...
May 25, 2017

Chilli, Chocolate, Beef and Beans Stew

Preparation and Cooking: 50 minutes | Serves: 4-6 Mexican cuisine has used the tasty combination of chocolate, chilli and meat for hundreds of years (in their traditional ‘mole sauce’). This combination produces rich, hearty, ...
May 24, 2017

How to Cook Perfect Oven-Broiled Steak

Don’t have a BBQ? Have no fear, you can make delicious steak using your oven! Here’s a guide for making fantastic broiled steak: What you need 500 grams of steak, about 3-4 cms thick 2 tablespoons canola or vegetable oil ...
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