October 5, 2016

The Paleo Diet + Our Grasslands Beef

The ‘Paleo Diet’ isn’t just a way to lose weight… it’s a way of life. 

What would a caveman eat? This is basically the premise for the paleo diet AKA the caveman diet, hunter-gatherer diet or Stone Age diet. Paleo dieters eat as palaeolithic humans did – meaning they eat foods that could have been hunted and gathered in the paleo era, such as fruit, vegetables, meat, seafood, eggs, seeds and nuts.

According to Loren Cordain, PhD, author of ‘The Paleo Diet’ – “By following these nutritional guidelines, we put our diet more in line with the evolutionary pressures that shaped our current genetics, which in turn positively influences health and well-being.” Loren says that through this diet, people will lose weight and be less likely to get diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other illnesses. Whether or not this is 100% accurate is a topic of much debate – the paleo diet appears to be either loved or loathed.

Which Foods Aren’t on the Paleo Menu?

The paleo diet consists of foods that would have been naturally accessible to early humans, which rules out all processed foods and other products obtained through technologically advanced agricultural means.

Some examples of foods paleo dieters can’t eat include:

  • Grains
  • Starchy vegetables
  • Legumes or beans
  • Dairy
  • Sugars
  • Artificial ingredients, processed foods or trans fats

Why is Grass Fed Beef the Holy Grail of the Paleo Diet?

Grass fed beef is an obvious choice for paleo dieters – first of all because grains are a no-no, secondly, grass is what cows have naturally evolved to eat (and what bovine animals in the paleo era would have eaten) and finally because the paleo way considers grass fed beef to be nutritionally superior to grain fed beef.

If you are paleo and are looking for some delicious and healthy grass fed beef, have a look at our Grasslands Premium Beef range. We also have some great paleo-friendly beef cooking tips on our Grasslands Youtube channel and in this blog post
Paleo or not, red meat is a great source of nutrition. According to the MLA, all red meat – grass fed and grain fed – provides a unique bundle of nine essential nutrients including:

  • Iron – carries oxygen around the body;
  • Zinc – helps to keep the immune system strong;
  • Vitamin B12 – important for the nervous system;
  • Omega-3s – supports normal brain function; and
  • Protein – for growth and development
  • B group vitamins (niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B6) and Phosphorus – for producing energy from food

So, whether or not you want to eat like a caveperson, lean red meat is a great addition to your diet. If you are considering switching to the paleo way of life, it is recommended that you first check out the Dieticians Association of Australia’s take on paleo living and consult your doctor.

At Teys, we provide the best grass fed, grain-fed and organic meat on the market.

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