January 24, 2018

A High Protein Breakfast Could Be the Secret to Weight Loss – Says CSIRO

A recent Australian Food News article highlights a Jan 2018 CSIRO report (Protein Balance), which found that eating more protein for breakfast may be the key to healthy weight loss.

Another finding was that older Australians are eating the least amount of protein, whilst actually needing it the most to help prevent muscle loss.

The report advocates a personalised approach to protein and outlines high protein food sources (including 150g of lean beef, which offers 33g protein per 915 KJ).

Protein Fast Facts

  • Higher protein diets boost fat loss
  • Protein reduces cravings and helps control appetite
  • Protein requirements increase during weight loss

Key Findings

  • Eating protein at breakfast reduces cravings later in the day, which may benefit weight management
  • Latest scientific evidence encourages eating at least 25 grams of protein at each main meal to help manage hunger and enhance muscle metabolism
  • Most Australians eat their protein as part of their evening meal
  • Australian women eat less protein for breakfast than men, with women eating an average 11g of protein at breakfast, whilst men eat 15g
  • Australians get one third of their protein from “low-quality” sources such as processed foods, junk food and cereals. Quality protein whole foods include lean meat, poultry, eggs, legumes and dairy products

To help address Australia’s protein and weight problems, the CSIRO has launched an online, protein-focused version of its Total Wellbeing Diet called Protein Balanced. Senior Principal Research Scientist at the CSIRO, Professor Manny Noakes, says the average Australian eats far less than 25g of protein for breakfast – so increasing breakfast protein may help to control eating later in the day.

If you want to find out more about protein, check out Animal vs Plant Protein – What’s the Difference?

Is this the perfect excuse to eat our Smokehouse Republic bratwurst for breakfast?

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